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Project | From Bullying to Brutality

Yet another facet of the human experience is the overwhelming issue of teenage bullying which has turned into nothing but a disturbing trend where some teenagers resort towards retaliatory violence as means of revenge.
The stories, articles, videos, and research that I explored revealed the potential for teenage bullying to escalate into physical violence. Thereby, this ignited a desire for change by coming up with an installation tunnel.
The entrance
This tunnel transports guests into the intricate world of teenage life and emotions. Along the sides, captivating images and videos of the joyful teenage life will be displayed.
The installation tunnel will be designed to create an immersive experience for guests to learn about the thin connection between bullying and violence.

Upon entry, guests will encounter real life images and videos portraying the joyful life of teenagers. As they immerse themselves further, the displayed glass will crack into a different reality; a reality where hidden emotions come into life. The bright ambiance will also transform into a red hue symbolising the complexity of teenage emotions.

This experience will let guests feel about the real nature of teenage life and the need to heighten awareness of bullying and retaliation. This in turn will help build a positive and safe environment for all teenagers.
Let us create a future where teenagers can flourish safely and positively.
Project | From Bullying to Brutality


Project | From Bullying to Brutality
